Cristaltec Technology

High end cabinets and PCB boards

High standard quality gaming cabinet manufacturing, full turn key solutions for any gaming applications.

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Cristaltec Technology

A portfolio of immersive games that keeps growing

We use our own technology to develop immersive games adapted for each different market, always putting the player feeling as our first priority.

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Italy Spain Online / International

A seal of trust, experience and excellence

We develop games and related solutions and design and produce high end cabinets since 2004 and we are leaders in the italian AWP market since 2008. Besides the italian market we supply/develop B1/B2 machines/games for the spanish market and develop VLT and international type games.Our most recent market is the Online gaming, where we present ourselves as game providers/developers with our own game server infrastructure.

Company Policy

From the beginning my intention was to build a relationship of trust with my co-workers by making sure that all our work is aimed at improving the services offered to our customers; I wanted to convey these values ​​to employees, thus transforming the promise into a reality. I value the person, promoting continuous learning and professional growth, to create a transparent, collaborative and harmonious working environment because I believe that the growth of people will guarantee the future of the company. The choice of personnel and the relationship of trust with my people are an effective and fundamental tool to face the many challenges that the sector places before us, with a view to look into the future with confidence. Always aiming into an healthy sector development, I decided to make my contribution of knowledge and vision of the system within the AS.TRO Assotrattenimento association, as president of the Manufacturers Section and head of the technical table.

Giovanni Agliata

The game is forbidden to minors under the age of 18. Playing too much can cause pathological addiction.